Presented by

  • Stephen Jacobs

    Stephen Jacobs

  • Richard Littauer

    Richard Littauer

    Richard Littauer is the Community Development Manager at Open Source Collective, a community facilitator for the Digital Infrastructure Fund, and an organizer of SustainOSS and the host of the Sustain Podcast. As a full-stack developer and open source community consultant, he has interfaced with hundreds of different projects in dozens of communities. He likes birds.


There is a growing interest in university-based open source software, and broader questions of Open Work. as reflected by many trends in research, education, and translation including the development of university open source programs offices (OSPOs) and discussions related to other research outputs under the framework of open work. Richard Littauer from SustainOSS will facilitate this session seeking input from those working on or interested in university open source. What topics related to university open source are of most interest? What gaps exist, particularly relating to barriers for advancing university open source? What resources needs to be developed? What other questions are relevant? The feedback from this session will help re-launch the SustainOSS Academia working group.