Presented by

  • Adam Monsen

    Adam Monsen

    Adam is a kind and savvy FOSS enthusiast. He has been in tech for over 20 years: building, producing, coding, debugging, architecting, leading, managing, debugging some more, lecturing, writing, administering and securing systems and processes, ensuring privacy and compliance; in markets of all maturities, sizes, and scales; startups to big enterprise. He's most proud of his family, growing Mifos (, founding SeaGL (, selling C-SATS (, and writing a FOSS book about self-hosting FOSS.


Your data are essential to your life, your agency, and your future. Come learn how to save, serve, and safely share your data at home with a smorgasbord of FOSS. I'll cover rapid setup and basic use of tools such as Traefik, Nextcloud, Wallabag, Jellyfin, and more. With these powerful and private services at your disposal you can collaboratively edit documents in realtime online, stream music and video, and future-proof your digital assets. This talk pairs well with a soon-to-be released book of the same topic and title. Both the book and talk are about self-hosting FOSS, were created with FOSS, and *are* FOSS themselves (open source, free to copy, free to modify and redistribute).