Presented by

  • Kyle Wiens

    Kyle Wiens

    Kyle Wiens is a software engineer and the CEO of iFixit, the repair community known for open source repair manuals and product teardowns. iFixit has empowered hundreds of millions of people to repair their broken stuff. Kyle led the international coalition that legalized Right to Repair, has testified before the US Copyright Office and the International Trade Commission, and he is involved in developing global environmental standards. Kyle regularly speaks on design for repair, service documentation, and the environmental impact of manufacturing. His writing has appeared in The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, Wired, Popular Mechanics, and the Wall Street Journal.

  • Denver Gingerich

    Denver Gingerich

    Denver is a software right-to-repair and standards activist who is currently Director of Compliance at Software Freedom Conservancy, where he enforces software right-to-repair licenses such as the GPL, and is also a director of the worker co-operative that runs, a FOSS phone number (texting/calling) service. Denver writes free software in his spare time: his patches have been accepted into Wine, Linux, and wdiff. Denver received his BMath in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo. He gives presentations about digital civil rights and how to ensure FOSS remains sustainable as a community and financially, having spoken at conferences such as CopyleftConf, LibrePlanet, LinuxCon North America, CopyCamp Toronto, FOSSLC's Summercamp, and the Open Video Conference.

  • Hilary Shohoney

    Hilary Shohoney

    Hilary Shohoney is an experienced nonprofit leader, movement builder and climate justice advocate. Early in her career, Hilary nearly exited the nonprofit industry out of frustration, but instead turned that frustration into action. Today, Hilary supports Bonneville Environmental Foundation as they seek to live their values internally as well as externally and has previously worked as the Executive Director of Free Geek championing their work on Right to Repair legislation. Hilary’s work on Right to Repair is driven by her deep desire to build just systems that support people and the environment. She’s seen first hand how the inability to repair devices harms our community’s most vulnerable members and the environment.

  • Juan Manuel Muro, Jr.

    Juan Manuel Muro, Jr.


Join us for an engaging Right to Repair panel discussion with experts in the field! We'll talk with activists Kyle Wiens of iFixit, Juan Muro of Free Geek, Hilary Shohoney of Bonneville Environmental Foundation, and Denver Gingerich of Software Freedom Conservancy about current topics in Right to Repair and how they impact free and open source software communities, from participating in the "1201 process" for Digital Millennium Copyright Act exemptions with the US Copyright Office, to strategies that might work to increase Right to Repair legislation and bringing lawsuits to compel companies to respect consumers' rights."