Presented by

  • Erik Benner

    Erik Benner

    Erik is currently VP of Enterprise Transformation, serving as a lead strategist for Federal, State and Local Government and Commercial customers throughout the United States. These customer engagements include enterprise cloud transformations, data center consolidation and modernization efforts, Big Data projects and implementations of Oracle Engineered Systems. He is the President of the Quest Users Group Cloud Computing Special Interest Group (SIG), Co Chair of the OATUG Oracle Enterprise Manager SIG and a habitual volunteer with user groups. Erik frequently presents at conferences, including Oracle OpenWorld and CloudWorld, Oracle FedForum, ASCEND, Blueprint4d, COLLABORATE and other user groups and conferences around the United States. He has worked with Oracle and Sun Systems since the mid 90s, and is experienced with most of the core Oracle technologies, including Oracle Cloud, Oracle Linux and Oracle Databases. When not flying to the far points of the country from the Atlanta Metro area, he enjoys spending time with his family at their Observatory, where the telescopes outnumber the people.


ARM is the up and coming computing technology, an open platform that competing CPU architectures, with many manufacturers building systems from the size of a stamp to datacenter servers with 256cores stuffed in only 2RUs. There is a wide variety of ARM systems and operating systems that can run on these platforms. But despite all of this diversity, you still have binary compatibility across all the systems. The same Operating system that runs on a small 4-core Raspberry PI can also run on an ARM system in the cloud powered by a high-density 128-core Ampere processor. In this session, learn not only what you can run on ARM, but also the scale of the applications and its data storage. You will also see how easy it is to move to ARM.