Presented by

  • Aaron Williams

    Aaron Williams

    Aaron is a Developer Advocate and Community manager for Ampere Computing and runs the AArch64 Server community ( He has held similar roles for various ASF and LF projects, including LF Edge. He started his career as a Java developer and worked for many companies including SAP, where he work on SAP Retail, IoT, and connect vehicles. Outside of work, he is married and has two teenage sons and love to build IoT projects.


Data Centers are one of the largest consumers of energy in the US, accounting for 6% of all power generated in 2019. As DCs continue to grow, this energy consumption is becoming increasingly unsustainable. Despite this, the energy usage of legacy x86 processors have not been a priority. While some producers have started to talk about including energy efficiency in their future projects, this transition is slow and years away. Urgent action is needed to address climate change and the solution is available today and easier than you might think: switching to OCI's Ampere A1 instances. This talk will explore the benefits of a cloud native architecture and its ability to combat climate change by reducing energy consumption in data centers.