Presented by

  • Tom "spot" Callaway

    Tom "spot" Callaway

    Tom is a Principal Open Source Strategist for AWS. He has been a part of the FOSS community since 1997, when he skipped his last day of junior high to go to Linux Expo. During college, he worked for a high-availability startup to cover tuition, and when they crashed along with the majority of the IT sector, he dropped out of college and went to work for Red Hat full-time. He worked for Red Hat for almost twenty years, in Support, Sales Engineering, Release Engineering, Engineering Management, University Outreach (CTO's office), and Employment Brand. He’s an active contributor to Fedora and helped to write the Fedora Packaging and Legal Guidelines which are still in use today. He is co-author of Raspberry Pi Hacks (2013, O’Reilly). When he’s not working, he finds enjoyment in 3D printing, pinball, hockey, games (board & video), geocaching, craft beer, B-movies, science fiction, trivia, traveling, and his wife and two boys.


An anti-pattern is a process which seems appropriate, but has more bad consequences than good ones. Many companies who are trying to run their open source efforts in the same way that they would manage projects internally are suffering from having their internal best-practices become open source anti-patterns. While the code quality of the technical work is generally unaffected by these, they can have a chilling effect on community growth, health, diversity, and sustainability. In this talk, I'll discuss some of the common mistakes that "corporate" open source efforts make in their own open source projects and in their attempts to contribute to the upstreams they depend on. This session might give you some tips as to why your Pull Requests are not getting answered and why your open source projects are still entirely built by your internal development team.