Presented by

  • Weike Qu

    Weike Qu

    Weike currently works on Finch as a Software Engineer at AWS. He joined AWS right after his internship to help launch Finch and spread some container-related open source goodness to the world. In his previous life, he was a professional structural engineer, designing cool physical things, now he designs cool virtual things instead!

  • Kyle Davis

    Kyle Davis

    Kyle is the Senior Developer Advocate for Bottlerocket and Finch at AWS. Kyle has a long history with open source software development and was a founding contributor to the OpenSearch project. When not working, Kyle enjoys 3D printing and getting his hands dirty in his Edmonton, Alberta-based home garden.


For years, building containerized applications on a desktop machine could be summed up as: “simple/open/extensible: pick two.” Finch, an open source project established in 2022, aims to make containerized development all three. In this session, first attendees will be introduced to the project and how it can be used to both simplify and speed up their development workflows. Then it will dive into the other open source project that Finch integrates to create a modern, easy-to-use containerized application development system, along the way, we'll touch on Finch's upstream-first development model. Finally, we'll talk a little bit about where Finch is going in the future.