
Grant Braught is a Professor of Computer Science at Dickinson College where he has taught courses across the undergraduate computer science curriculum for 25 years. He led a curricular revision of Dickinson’s computer science program to incorporate a focus on FOSS and Humanitarian FOSS (HFOSS) with the goals of deepening student engagement, broadening participation in computing, raising awareness of the power of computing for social good and enhancing student’s technical career-ready skills. He has guided student engagement with HFOSS communities including OpenMRS, SugarLabs, Sahana Eden, FreeCodeCamp, Oden, and Oppia. He is a lead maintainer of the FarmData2 project, which engages primarily student developers to build an application supporting small organic vegetable farmers. In 2017 he was recognized by Red Hat as among the “Instructors Who Champion Open Source Education in the U.S.” In 2020 he led a project centered around integrating FOSS in the undergraduate curriculum that was a finalist in the Gnome Community Engagement Challenge. He also works closely with The Non-Profit FOSS Institute, Teaching Open Source and Foss2Serve to promote HFOSS in computing education. He is an advocate of liberal arts education and has been active in the forthcoming ACM/IEEE/AAAI CS2023 curricular recommendations for undergraduate computer science programs.


Grant Braught