
Jayjeet is a 2nd Year PhD student at the University of California, Santa Cruz in the Computer Science and Engineering department. He is working on computer systems research especially in the field of Storage systems, Databases, Data management systems, and Computational storage. He has previously been part of several open source programs most notable of which is Google Summer of Code. Most of his research work is open-sourced and he tries to use open-source projects as much as possible as well. Previously, he has worked on building v2 of a programmable storage system called Skyhook which is maintained under another project in the Apache Software Foundation. Currently, he is working with Argonne National Labs on building faster data transport protocols that used modern networking technologies. Additionally, he is working with IRIS-HEP (Institute for Research in High Energy Physics) on building data management technologies for efficient processing of large High Energy Physics dataset. When not working, Jayjeet likes to explore new places, try new food, and gather new experiences.


Jayjeet Chakraborty